We’ve all heard this since we were kids: “The more you give, the more you get.”
At Smoke Hall Foods, we believe in that philosophy. We exist to create jobs for veterans, and to donate a meaningful percentage of our profits back to organizations that support our troops, veterans and their families. It’s not a promotion, it’s not a temporary marketing program, it’s not a division of the company. It IS the company.
We hope to achieve our mission by making and selling the very best hot sauce you can find anywhere, using great care in literally every step of the process: seed selection, American-grown peppers, organic practices, hand-picking, precision aging, and small-batch production. Our goal is to deliver the best-tasting, highest quality, most authentic hot sauce you can find anywhere.
Our philosophy on donating “a meaningful percentage” of our profits to organizations that support our troops is very simple: we’ll pay all our bills, we’ll set aside a reasonable amount of dollars to reinvest into funding the growth of our business, and we’ll give the rest away to worthy organizations. Before we sold a single bottle of hot sauce, we had already donated almost $10,000 to the below organizations, and others like them; we know with certainty that this commitment continues to grow.
Finally, we have a very precise approach on the donations we make—we want to be able to follow the money we donate all the way to its final landing place. Specifically, we will pay careful attention to people or situations that have fallen through the cracks, and we’ll be able to correlate our donations directly to the names and faces of the people we hope to help. Quality over quantity, people over opaque programs. We are lucky to have many great Smoke Hall Foods supporters—people who believe in our mission—who will help us find these military families in need. Our ability to have the capacity to help them is what drives us every day. That, and we all love great hot sauce!
Thank you for being a major part of our story, and on behalf of the military families we’ll help—thank you.